Sunday, September 21, 2008

The Meaning of Motherhood

I wasn't really thinking of setting up my own site or blog to talk about my kids but with the birth of my little girl, it just occurred to me to share my thoughts with the world and let other people know the happiness that I feel when my little Princess Ysabel came into me and my husband's life.

Admittedly, the first few days were pretty tough my baby girl is a cryer. Unlike my first born, humming a lullybye would sooth him immediately until he fell asleep. Little Princess is nothing like that you need to dance around while she is in your arms to induce her to go to sleep.Thankfully, those days are gone. My baby is now 11 months old who can sleep at night 8 hours a day straight.

Is she beatiful? Yes, she is although she doesn't look anything like me. Am I happy with my daughter? Indeed, I am very happy to have her in my life. All the time and efforts that me and my husband have spent for baby care are worth it.

It's a universal fact that infant care is really time-consuming but it can be rewarding. All you need to do is look into the eyes of your little one and the smile that is there ready to greet you when you are tired and notice yourself lighting up. There is no mistake when that baby came into the world. Your little one is here for a special reason and without any doubt, your infant is the main reason why motherhood is one of the best experiences in a woman's life.

1 comment:

Lovee said...

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Daughter and her Papa

Daughter and her Papa