Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Guide for Baby Feeding

Baby care is a an important task for parents and feeding our babies is a part of this. Before your infant turns 1 year old, there are different stages where parents need to adjust the way they feed their babies. This means the quantity as well as the type of food that they give to their babies need some adjustment.

Initially, from birth up to 4 months, the baby’s intestines have not developed completely so the only food that baby can digest at this stage is breastmilk. But if the mother is having some difficulting breastfeeding the little one then use some other alternative such as Formula.
The second stage of baby feeding is when the baby becomes four months old, at this point, you can start giving your baby some rice or grain cereal other than the milk. Do this until he or she turns 6 months old. In the event that the baby does not like the cereal, try to reintroduce this food after a month and then see what happens.

From six to eight months, your baby is ready to take in more solids foods. Aside from breastfeeding or formula milk, give your little one some mashed potatoes, soft cheese, yogurt, ripe banana and apple or pear juice in small quantities. When introducing food to your baby do this slowly, one at a time with increments of three days just to be certain that your little one will not have any allergic reactions to the foods that you are giving him or her.

By ten to twelve months, your infant probably has more teeth and can swallow food faster and easier. You can now give him or her all the foods mentioned above but this time you can slightly increase the quantity or the amount of the foods. Just remember when feeding your baby new foods, do this slowly and at least three to four days in between.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

A mom's preparation for her daughter's first birthday celebration.

My daughter, Princess Ysabel's birthday is just a month away. She was born on the 19th of October, 2007. As her mother, I cant' help but become very excited about the coming birthday party. About the guests, I have made up my mind to invite some close friends but mostly it would be family members. No, it's not a big celebration nevertheless it is really special because I will be partying with my daughter for the first year of her young life.

I remember When she came into this world, she did not cry. She was very still and quiet. I thought something was terribly wrong with my baby but I knew she was born into this world alive because I heard her pass gas. You can laugh. I don't blame you. My husband and I did but it's true. Princess Ysabel is nothing like her older brother, Ramoncito. I said this because the very still and quiet baby has grown to become so active. Baby care for my daughter can be challenging, really but many people adore her including us, her parents, with that cute dimple on the right cheek, always showing whenever she smiles. Let me tell you my daughter is a happy baby, she often smiles at everyone. That's what most people love about her.

As I am writing this, I am thinking about things that I should ready for her coming birthday. It can be a little hectic but I don't need to worry about that I have a wonderful husband who is there to help me.

Anyway, let's see what will happen when the big day comes but one thing is certain, it's going to be lots of fun.

Friday, September 26, 2008

The Worst Nightmare for parents - Sudden Infant Death Syndrome

No parent would want something bad happen to their offspring however Sudden Infant Death Syndrome or commonly known as SIDS is a nightmare for parents. SIDS is where an infant no more than 1 year dies for reasons that cannot be explained even after a thorough medical examination. SIDS has nothing to do with hereditary nor is it contagious. While we are accepting of the fact that a healthy baby, usually less than 6 months old who suddenly dies while he or she is sleeping without any obvious reason can cause a tremendous loss and tragedy for parents and child care takers.

It is impossible to think that a baby can be found lifeless when prior to that he or she was doing some pretty normal things like feeding, playing and smiling. Medical research shows that the risk of SIDS increases during two to six months then this is followed by a decline. Usually, the victims of SIDS are babies less than 6 months old.

Unfortunately, SIDS remains unpredictable. It can happen without any symptoms of distress or illness and worst it cannot be prevented but this is never caused by bad parenting. Babies are wonderful gifts. There is no reason that parents will neglect infant care but sometimes tragedy strikes for reasons beyond the parents’ understanding. If you are someone who has suffered from SIDS or if you know someone who has, remember you are not alone and always keep in mind that SIDS is not your fault nor is it due to a lack of tender, infant care on the parent’s side.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

The Meaning of Motherhood

I wasn't really thinking of setting up my own site or blog to talk about my kids but with the birth of my little girl, it just occurred to me to share my thoughts with the world and let other people know the happiness that I feel when my little Princess Ysabel came into me and my husband's life.

Admittedly, the first few days were pretty tough my baby girl is a cryer. Unlike my first born, humming a lullybye would sooth him immediately until he fell asleep. Little Princess is nothing like that you need to dance around while she is in your arms to induce her to go to sleep.Thankfully, those days are gone. My baby is now 11 months old who can sleep at night 8 hours a day straight.

Is she beatiful? Yes, she is although she doesn't look anything like me. Am I happy with my daughter? Indeed, I am very happy to have her in my life. All the time and efforts that me and my husband have spent for baby care are worth it.

It's a universal fact that infant care is really time-consuming but it can be rewarding. All you need to do is look into the eyes of your little one and the smile that is there ready to greet you when you are tired and notice yourself lighting up. There is no mistake when that baby came into the world. Your little one is here for a special reason and without any doubt, your infant is the main reason why motherhood is one of the best experiences in a woman's life.

Looking After Your Little One

For parents, having a baby is one of the most important as well as the most beautiful event in their life. Just imagine yourself cradling a little infant in your arms, the fruit of your love between you and your partner is indeed special. Beautiful as your baby is the other part of tending to your little one can be tough. Yes, rewarding as it may be but infant care can be a challenge.

Baby care is the point in parents’ lives where they will need to work as a team. It is not enough for the mother to take all the responsibility for the baby. This is a tedious task that you will soon find out hence, the father should also take some time and help out with caring for the little one.

Here are some important things to remember while taking care of the baby. Physical touch is important to your bundle of joy. This is because your baby develops attachments once he or she is born. If parents would like to have a close bond with their babies, hold them as often as possible. Let the touch be as gentle and as soft to your baby.

Talk to your baby. While holding your baby gently in your arms, talk to them softly and make your little one feel how precious he or she is for you. Regardless how tough baby care can be, this is just a temporary phase but the special bond that you and your little one will linger on.

Tips on Taking Care of Toddlers

A toddler is a child between the ages of one up to three years old although there are people who consider toddlers from the ages two to four years. During this phase, a child learns a lot of things and develops their movements or motor skills as well as their socialization skills. This is the time when your child will spend his day running, crawling and walking around finding out about new things every time. Parents will notice their children’s vitality or energy during this stage and think how hard it is to keep up with baby care or child care.

Since your toddler will be very active, it is essential that a parent should always keep an eye on their little ones. In addition, the home should be safe for a toddler. This means certain things should be kept away such as rat killers, poisons, acids, or anything that is dangerous for your baby. Child care can be tough but it is a rewarding experience.

If you think your toddler is too much to handle, talk this out with your partner or you may want to have a rotation or schedule about who will take care of your child during a particular time. If this is not enough, consider getting help from relatives or friends or you may want to entrust your child to a baby sitter with a good reputation. Whatever you decide, think it over several times and discuss this with someone you really trust.

Daughter and her Papa

Daughter and her Papa